Famous Maple Almond Granola
“If you never make homemade granola, you’ll be surprised by how simple and easy it is,” says Earthbound Farm co-founder Myra Goodman. “Especially my delicious Maple Almond Granola, which has just 7 ingredients and is ready to go into the oven in only a few minutes.”
“This recipe was one of the first I ever developed, and it’s been a best seller at our Farm Stand in Carmel Valley for over a decade,” Myra continues. “It’s delicious served with milk, but my family’s favorite way to eat it is over plain nonfat yogurt mixed with apple sauce (about a 1-to-1 ratio of apple sauce to yogurt). The apple sauce gives the yogurt a fluffier texture and sweetens it naturally, without any of the sugar, corn syrup or artificial flavors many pre-sweetened yogurts use. If berries are in season, we often throw a handful on top. It’s yummy for breakfast or for a snack any time of day, and a handful is always a welcome treat!”
From Food to Live By: The Earthbound Farm Organic Cookbook by Myra Goodman